Thursday 7 October 2010

Evaluation on the Pinhole project

Evaluation on my pinhole
camera project
Throughout this evaluation I will be discussing what I
have learnt throughout the project and how technology has changed.
 I will also include a paragraph on how the information has helped me get this far along with; what I would do differently if I was to do it again and my mistakes.

Within this project I learnt a wide range of things. I learnt how to make a
pinhole camera from scratch, how to use Photoshop, the scanner and the
photocopier. The above things were valuable to learn because it enabled
me to do things individually without asking my tutor for help throughout the lesson.
From being able to know how to use Photoshop I was then able to
experiment with different tools on the programme with my pinhole pictures, such as air brushing them, changing the colours and many more effects. The photocopier allowed me to
scan my pictures individually and send them to my email or print them.
On the other hand the scanner scanned them through to Photoshop via the computer.
From being able to have the opportunity to produce our
own pinhole cameras along with the above, if I was given the chance
to do it again I would certainly participate in the task. I would do it again
because it gives me a chance to look back on my mistakes
from the first time round  and do it correctly. Also, because I know the procedures of producing my own pinhole camera, developing my pictures as well as knowing how to scan and edit the developed ones it will give me more time to find better locations for my

I encountered many mistakes whilst taking the pictures.
I found I had too much exposure, leaving me with mainly bright white pictures with the odd black detail. I gained one perfect picture which was
my first one; I had exposed the hole for 40 seconds outside, therefore leaving me with a detailed negative
Seeing as I have experimented with pinhole cameras once I
would like to evaluate constructing the pinhole camera differently to gain
several comparisons of the pictures due to the sized boxes. I would also
attempt to get accurate exposures to improve the quality of the picture,
this would give me a wider range of better pictures to promote on my blog.
Pinhole cameras were used many years ago before the use
of technology changed over the years. We are now able to take pictures
digitally with reduced exposure time enabling us to capture fast
moving objects within a few seconds. The picture quality is 100x better,
the images are extremely easy to edit, you are able to take many pictures
depending on the storage of the camera and it is less time consuming.
Overall I have covered the above topics which are listed
in my first paragraph sufficiently. I encountered a few mistakes which are
noted within in the above paragraphs and I know how to overcome them next time.

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